Thursday, July 7, 2011

Let the potty rodeo begin!

My daughter is now 20 months old. She's been signalling for a few weeks that she's ready to embark on potty training. What do I mean by signalling? Well, she's been telling me when she's got a dirty diaper (both wet and poopie), she often tells me *before* she's going to poop that it's about to happen, and she's fighting me during diaper changes, saying "No more diaper!"

So, this morning, a big box arrived. We opened it together. I lifted out the contents and asked her what it was. "Potty chair! I try it, Mommy!"

That was a good start. She immediately sat on it (fully clothed). Then she requested that I take her diaper off. I did, and she sat again.

Over the course of the afternoon, she ran around naked, periodically sitting on the potty and then looking inside to see nothing had materialized. She had one accident on the floor while naked and two accidents in undies. The second undies accident was showing progress though - she squatted down to the floor and said, "I pee."

At one point in the afternoon, she sat on the potty, reading a book and then stood up and, giving a sniff, proclaimed, "Mmmmm! I smell good!" I really wished I'd had a video camera in hand for that magic moment.

By the end of the day, nothing had actually made it into the potty. But, she still likes it, which is a good sign. Tomorrow is another day... and I have another trick up my sleeve (bribery with M&Ms - hey, it worked for our son!)

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